Hey, Now today was interesting the kids were cool though and they really stand up for each other. This
morning went pretty smooth had a lot of test which is hard on them and they get bored and frustrated especially the ones that struggle. The kids went and read with the 2
nd graders and they liked that a acted like little adults.
This afternoon was interesting two of the better kids in the class got caught acting up in the hallway and got in trouble, so they really got upset. The kids around them even got up set for them and one confessed to talking and another actually protested by trying to punish themselves. Of course we talked about what happened and I said that
unfortunately we all get caught eventually even the best and kindest ones. I felt bad for calling them on
their behavior and as their teacher I have to be fair across the board. So that's what I tell myself, even when the best of the best get in trouble and have to suffer the consequences. Now thinking about it the other kids came in and tried to make them feel better and do what they thought was right. Maybe we will talk about that next week. What else I saw that some kids really like to teach and share their knowledge and I used that a few times today. I actually had another student stand up and try to tell me why they had the right to talk when I asked everyone to stop talking. I think the kids are getting better I just hate it when everything gets tense and the kids are not happy.
I like happy kids I really like happy semi-quiet kids that have fun and can come back together quickly. My goal is to get them to function well as young people in a controlled social environment.
I have an amazingly large stack of papers to grade and lessons to get ready and a power point about recycling to do . Anybody out there know any
recycling jokes or activities?????